Instituted in 2017, this grant is intended to help defray the costs of conference attendance by foreign language professionals during the academic year. A maximum of 30 awards with a limit of $1,000 of reimbursable expenses per recipient will be made.
Application information:
- The application includes a brief narrative (250–300 words) that provides information on the applicant’s educational background and position, contextualizes the topic of the presentation in the applicant’s career, and indicates need for support in relation to other possible sources of support;
- Applicants must provide proof of acceptance of a conference presentation at a national, language-specific, or regional language conference during the current academic year;
- The presentation should be related to the professional/scholarly work of the applicant;
- Preference will be given to applicants who are attending a conference for the first time or are new members of the profession, including graduate students.
Reimbursement, against original receipts, is limited to $1,000 per award recipient and should be requested within 30 days after the conference. Reimbursable expenses include conference registration, transportation (air, train, bus, cab, subway systems), and lodging, but not meal expenses. Previous recipients may not apply for this grant.